We empower communities to design healthy, safe and equitable environments where learners are engaged in exciting, rigorous, and personalized curriculum.
Our schools must fundamentally change if we want our diverse student populations to graduate with skills to succeed in life such as higher order thinking and deep understanding. Precision helps school communities start with the end in mind, to design environments where all groups of students thrive.
We help create system changes that promote authentic, sustained relationships among teachers and students, provide effective curriculum and instructional practices, and ensure families are actively involved in schools.
Look at the system and clearly articulate the problems that must be addressed.
Engage the community to envision a new future for learning and to co-design a new system.
Strategically test, implement, and refine prototypes.
change management
Create long-term buy-in and support for the new system.
designing schools of the future
Where all learners feel welcome, supported, and challenged
At Precision, we believe that all learners deserve to thrive in healthy, safe, and equitable environments where they are engaged in exciting, rigorous, and personalized curriculum. We partner with communities to design and implement solutions that:
Create a culture of welcome and belonging. All learners should feel welcome and respected in their schools and communities. We help schools and districts to create a culture where all learners feel valued and supported.
Promote safety and well-being. Learners need to feel safe and well-being in order to learn effectively. We help schools and districts to create safe and supportive learning environments where all learners can thrive.
Ensure equity and access. All learners deserve access to high-quality education, regardless of their background or circumstances. We help schools and districts to identify and remove barriers to equity and to ensure that all learners have access to the resources and support they need to succeed.
Develop engaging and rigorous curriculum. Learners need to be engaged in their learning in order to be successful. We help schools and districts to develop curriculum that is both engaging and rigorous, and that meets the needs of all learners.
Personalize learning. All learners learn differently. We help schools and districts to personalize learning so that all learners can reach their full potential.
We believe that by empowering communities to design healthy, safe, and equitable environments where learners are engaged in exciting, rigorous, and personalized curriculum, we can create a world where all learners thrive.